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December 1, 2023

ONINO April Newsletter

ONINO April Newsletter

This is a repost of our monthly newsletter — subscribe here and never miss the latest news!

ONINO April Newsletter

After last week’s early 2023 review, let’s review March in detail. Here’s everything you need to know.

A lot has happened for ONINO last month, so let’s jump right in — here is March’s review:

Blockchain Development Update

Our network, the Onigraph, is still in the internal testing phase. At the moment, we’re focussing our efforts on testing the network internally to prepare for the early onboarding of the first partners. For this, we target our development toward end users’ (mostly developers & companies) needs to build on our network. There is still a long way to go until a public testnet phase, but we will keep you posted on the progress!

Dashboard Updates

The ONINO Dashboard got UI & stability improvements as well as an NFT integration in the last updates.

For the next update, we listened to our community and will be releasing a Blockchain News section for the dashboard soon!

Try the ONINO Dashboard

Magic Store Listing

We have successfully listed the ONINO dashboard on Magic Store, an App Store for the Web3 space. Head over there to see more about the dashboard, give us a review and a like if you want!

Government Grant

ONINO applied for a government grant in March. The project will focus on building a blockchain-based supply chain tool to track the legitimacy of a specific product — more on this soon. We’re partnering with local firms in Karlsruhe as well as a renowned German research facility for this project. Stay tuned for more information about this project soon!
Quick disclaimer, as there was some confusion here — this grant is not related to the funding we recently closed.

ICO / Tokenisation as a Service

Knowing of the struggle of making the ONI Token legally compliant in Germany, we talked to many companies and saw that the interest was very high to help others with token raises, ICOs, or Tokenization in general. Thus, we have decided to offer a service to companies where we help them implement a token into their business model.

For this service, we work with companies that are interested in blockchain technology to see how a token could benefit their business model. If we find a match, we’ll be supporting the company to adapt its business model accordingly, prepare the sale, and up until the ICO — and later.

This service is tailored to anyone — from an individual with a great idea to big companies that want to innovate.

This also perfectly ties into our bigger vision with ONINO. With the ICOs & Tokenisation projects we’re preparing early onboardings onto our network, the Onigraph, once it’s ready. All these projects will help us start a thriving ecosystem with a lot of traffic and diversity once our network is live.

And the best news is: We’re already working with two customers on this service — so it’s not a future product, it’s here already!

This marks the end of April's newsletter.

As always, thank you for following our progress. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

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