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December 1, 2023

ONINO Secures Funding

ONINO secures funding from a German state development bank and four business angel investors.

ONINO Secures Funding

Dear ONINO Community,

We have some amazing news to share with you all! After a long and challenging journey, we are thrilled to announce that we have secured funding. This is a major achievement for us, and we want to express our gratitude to all of our supporters who have been with us every step of the way.

Why we needed further funding in the first place

After coming up with the idea for ONINO in 2021, we successfully launched our ICO at the beginning of 2022. After an extremely successful launch, we focussed all our resources on making ONINO a big success.

The more we leaned into it, the more we realized that ONINO’s vision could become much bigger than initially anticipated.

With your support, we decided to make ONINO even bigger and started to look for additional funding, as the bigger vision would also require much more capital.

Now, having secured funding, we are happy to let you know that our efforts have paid off. ONINO is leveling up.

Who Are the Investors?

While we cannot disclose all information yet, we want to give you as much information as possible.

The funding is a specialized support program for German start-ups and consists of two parts:

🇩🇪 State Investment

The majority of the funding is raised from an investment pool of a state development bank of the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Having, so to say, secured state-backed funding is something we exceptionally value. For us, this is a huge sign that the state believes in the future of blockchain and decentralized technology and in our potential. Additionally, having secured state-based funding equips us with credibility that facilitates approaching pilot projects and industry partners 🤝

👥 Private Business Angels

The second part of the funding round is contributed through various numbers, in our case four, of private Business Angel Investors.

Our Business Angels will not only support us by financial means but also in advisory roles. They have a proven track record with decades of experience in building and scaling various software companies, and have extensive experiences in Marketing and Sales, both internationally as well as in our target market, German small- and medium enterprises. One of them is, for example, a director of one of Germany’s largest and most successful SEO and e-commerce websites and a true pioneer of internet technology.

We will announce the business Angels in the upcoming blog posts.

We are very grateful to have them on board and look forward to the upcoming journey with them!

Does the Investment Involve Tokens?

No, there are no tokens involved in the process. The investment is a 100% traditional model.

How Much Runway is Given by the Funding?

That depends of course on how strongly we will expand the team. However, with a moderate expansion rate, the funding will secure a runway of at least 12–18 Months for ONINO!

As we plan on building a strong revenue stream though, we will become less and less reliant on external capital.

Next Steps

So, what does this mean for ONINO? It means that we can now move forward with even more energy and enthusiasm. We have big plans for the future, and this funding will help us to turn those plans into a reality. We will be able to invest in new technologies, hire additional team members, and expand our reach to even more people.

We are so excited about what the future holds for ONINO, and we want you to be a part of it.

Thank you again for your unwavering support. We are so grateful for each and every one of you. Let’s keep pushing forward and making a positive impact on the world.

Your Team ONINO

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